

programming competition- Mutah University Competitive Programming contest.

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Abbadi,Dean of Information Technology College, the IEEE Computer Society MU, in cooperation with the Atypical Society, organized the second edition of the Competitive Programming Competition at Mutah University MUCPC22.


To qualify the teams to participate in the JCPC competition that will be held at Irbid National University on Friday and Saturday, 14-15/10/2022.

 Where 13 teams from Mutah University from various faculties and disciplines competed, 5 teams qualified as follows:

·      Methodical

·      Black-BeltCoders 

·      winter is coming

·      Y!

·      IIIALGO


Thanking Atypical society for their active contribution to the success of the second edition of the competition.
